
Chairman of Trustees, Jeremy Cotton

Served as a Scout Leader for 25 years; and now retired from Supply Chain management.

Treasurer – Beth Gumb

Beth has always been involved in Girl Guiding, she is also a retired accountant.

Trustee, Alison Holmes
County Commissioner of Staffordshire Girl guiding

Trustee, Catrina Kerr

County Commissioner of Staffordshire Girl guiding

Trustee, Karen Belcher
County Commissioner of West Mercia Girl guiding.

Trustee, Dan Phillips.

Dan is ACC Explorers for West Mercia Scouts.

Dan looks after our IT systems

Trustee, Lynne Richardson
Lead Volunteer of West Mercia Scouting.

Trustee, Colin Ablitt
A retired chartered surveyor.

Trustee, Richard Williams

Lead Volunteer,  Staffordshire Scouts

Trustees serve for a maximum of 8 years. In the event of a vacancy, the post is advertised, nominations are gathered, and a selection panel interview the applicants in line with the skills identified as required within the Executive.

We are currently looking for 2 new trustees.  Please email admin@beaudesert.org.uk for a nomination form if you are interested.

If you wish to contact the Trustees on any matter, please write or email with details to the Chairman at: Beaudesert Park, Cannock Wood, Staffordshire, WS15 4JJ, or Chairman@Beaudesert.org.uk